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Tips for a Speedy Divorce

Divorce can be challenging, scary and expensive. Accordingly, many people seek to conclude the process as quickly as possible. Understanding the legal requirements and taking the following proactive steps, among others, can help expedite the divorce process.

1. Mutual Agreement and Uncontested Divorce:

One of the quickest paths to finalizing a divorce in New York is when both parties agree on its terms. For example, in an uncontested divorce, both spouses agree on the key issues, such as property division, child custody, and financial support (if any).

2. Consult with an Experienced Matrimonial Attorney:

Retaining a skilled matrimonial attorney at the start of the process is crucial for a speedy divorce. An experienced lawyer can guide you through the legal process, ensuring that all necessary documents are prepared accurately and filed promptly, preventing delays caused by errors or omissions.

3. Prepare Financial Documentation in Advance:

Financial information of both spouses is exchanged early in a divorce proceeding. Accordingly, gathering documents related to income, assets, and debts early in the process will help avoid delays.

4. Alternative Dispute Resolution:

Alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation, can expedite resolution and often leads to a quicker (and cheaper) resolution.

5. Stay Organized and Communicate Efficiently:

Efficiency in divorce proceedings is enhanced when the parties are organized and communicate effectively.

6. Utilize Technology for Remote Proceedings:

Some divorce proceedings can now be conducted remotely via Zoom or the like. Such virtual meetings can expedite the process without the need for in-person appearances, which can also lessen attorneys’ fees.

7. Be Open to Compromise:

Perhaps most importantly, be willing to compromise. Focus on achieving a fair and equitable resolution rather than “winning” every issue.

In short, a quick divorce in New York requires careful planning, mutual cooperation, and the guidance of an experienced legal professional. By following these suggestions and working collaboratively, you can navigate the divorce process efficiently and thereby move forward with your life much faster.

- Natasha

- Christopher
